Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Main Key to Uganda's Revival

As I read through a book called ''Reaching Out to the Father'' by Teresa Tay on my way back to my hometown, one passage comes to me and bring me the urge to share it out. It is about the history of revival in Uganda and what they went through before it.

''Christians in Uganda were horribly persecuted under Idi Amin (1971 - 1979), who closed down churches, executed or exiled key Christian leaders and killed thousands of lay people. The suffering caused Ugandas to go under their knees. A deep cry for help was born and with it a new seriousness in prayer. John Mulinde of World Trumpet Ministries has this to say, 'It was no average prayer, but the deep and lasting prayer characteristic of revival movements.' Today Uganda is governed by Christians and it is one of a few nations in Africa holding out hope of progress for all Africa.''

According to the interview of Jackson Senyanga, Pastor of Christian Life Church, Kampala, Uganda, The Lord has shown them there must be six levels of prayer so that God can harvest a nation to Himself: 
1) prayers in homes
2) prayers in churches
3) prayers in communities
4) prayers in cities
5) prayers in a nation
6) prayers for the nations. 
These six waves create an atmosphere where God can dwell.

Documentary - Revival of Uganda

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